Aromatic Prayer Beads
v Sandalwood has a rich, balsamic, sweet fragrance with delicate wood notes. The sandalwood has a woody, exotic smell, subtle and lingering and the color is dark yellow to dark golden brown. As the sandalwood tree grows, the essential oil develops in the roots and heartwood, which requires at least 15 to 20 years. Full maturity is reached after 60 to 80 years. |
v The fragrance of sandalwood has relaxing properties and also reduces stress and promotes restful sleep. It is reputed to be an aphrodisiac. |
v Sandalwood smells not unlike other wood scents, except it has a bright and fresh edge with few natural analogues. |
v Owing to superior quality and soothing natural fragrance, these sandalwood beads, sandalwood malas and sandalwood bracelets are extensively acclaimed. It can be Use by Man, Women, children, unisex. |
v Our company use high end sandalwood known as Mysore Sandalwood for making fine quality sandalwood beads procured from Government authorized suppliers. |